This is an old revision of the document!
- Computer graphics (shaders, TouchDesigner)
- Livecoding with Orca and Foxdot
- Linkedin : Linkedin
- Mémoire ATI: Vers une interaction authentique entre livecoders
- GitHub : gu1shermo
- Gravure musicale : Bandoneón Amigo: GUIDE RAISONNÉ DE RENCONTRES HARMONIQUES
- ordinateurs [Table]
- hecate [Whatever]
- matrix [Canaux communs]
- live_demo_unit [Status]
- 4z73k [Etienne - Public Page]
- piedthon typofix
- creative_coding [Code des ateliers (//fichiers zippés en attendant de pouvoir upload les .scd ...//)]
- shader_links Chris' Graphics Blog + The Blog at the Bottom of the Sea
user/hrst4.1718012691.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-06-10 09:44 by hrst4