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Project information

  • Owner: Lomanic
  • Participants: you?
  • Status: proof of concept
  • Project created on Sun 14-11-21 by Lomanic


  • Implement Operame, a project from the Dutch hackerspace Revspace using a CO2 sensor coupled to a TTGO T-Display to tell people in a room that they should open the windows to limit Covid-19 aerial spread indoors
  • Document it in English
  • Maybe extend it in some way (automatic VAC system?)


As I won't order PCBs online (and specific SMD sockets as shown in soldering instructions video) and just use what I have at hand, it will be assembled on a perfboard I had in my drawer for years.

TTGO T-Display pinout, mirrored from


TTGO T-Display      MH-Z19C
   5V                 VCC
   GND                GND
   D26                RX
   D27                TX

D12 on the TTGO has to be grounded but it's not obvious why

Software unmodified, had to install vscode (vscodium doesn't have platformio in its openvsx store) and the appropriate driver on Windows so platformio could flash the TTGO T-Display onboard ESP32

In action

The Operame device is shown mounted on temporary breadboards with bridges made of Dupont wires as a proof of concept

Perfboard implementation, front

Perfboard implementation, back



Initial proof of concept with breadboard, everything works perfectly.


  • put this on a perfboard, for once!
  • deploy it somewhere? (at Fuz or at Lomanic's office)
  • automatic VAC system (if at Fuz)?
projets/fuz/operame.1636910333.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-02-02 22:06 (external edit)