====== z0rg - Public Page ====== 3D / AR and VR specialized developer I play with many technologies to make cool stuff. I animate shader workshops on tuesdays => [[https://wiki.fuz.re/doku.php?id=evenements:creative_coding|shader workshops]] ===== Links ===== * **my website:** https://z0rg.dev * **git repos:** https://github.com/seb776 * **shadertoy:** https://www.shadertoy.com/user/z0rg * **and more:** https://linktr.ee/z0rg ===== Current projects ===== * [[https://github.com/seb776/veDDDa|veDDDa3000]] shader 3D polarized projection ===== Old projects ===== * [[https://github.com/seb776/ShadertoyLeapmotion|shadertoy leapmotion]] * GLSL to js [[https://github.com/seb776/Shader_Minifier|GLSL to js compiler]] & [[https://github.com/seb776/JSShader|js shader executor]] * [[https://github.com/seb776/CSToGDScript|Godot4 C# to GDScript transpiler]] * [[https://github.com/seb776/GLSLIncludes|GLSL include]] * [[https://github.com/seb776/VectorSwizzle|Unity 3D swizzle]]