====== Fuzcredi en ligne n°2 - Online Fuznesday #2 ====== While [[evenements:log:20200513|last week]] we gathered on Jitsi meet, this Wednesday (2020-05-20) we were using the recently installed [[infra:Mumble]] server deployed on our dear [[infra:sonic]] server. Fewer people than the last event (no more than 4 at the same time), it was suspected that the higher barrier to entry to use Mumble (have to install a [[wp>fat client]]) compared to Jitsi Meet (a single click in the web browser) was the source for this lower attendance, so [[user:leo]] successfully installed during the discussion the [[https://github.com/Johni0702/mumble-web|mumble-web interface]] over at [[https://mumble.fuz.re|mumble.fuz.re]], with Let's Encrypt SSL and automatic redirection, but bypassing lighttpd to be able to use websockets (uses a different port currently). Nice and fun little virtual gathering, discussions were mostly unrelated to the hackerspace ([[projets:fuz:ronja100]] and radio links were mentioned near the end, possible lighttpd-to-nginx migration was once more briefly talked about).