====== FOSDEM 2020: résumé des conf vues ====== //Conférences vues ou d'intérêt ... point d'entrée pour demander plus d'information à celui/celle qui l'a vue.// Contenu migré depuis https://pad.tetalab.org/p/fossdem2020 Liste des confs que vous avez vues ou d'intérêt + résumé/avis 👍 👎 👏 👑 Barzi: * 👏 "Knocking Down the Nest, SecureBox": https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/dip_secusharebox/ : joli essai sur un design reseau IoT en p2p, respectueux de la vie privée (GNUnet inside) * 👍 "Decentralized collaborative applications" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/decentralized_collab_apps/ : bluffé par cette conf entièrement manuscrite, un redesign de GNUnet * "How many engineer do you need to light a lightbulb" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/iotwelcome/ : pas vu mais Benjamin Henrion parlait de faire un programmateur STLink pour 2$ (cf son site: http://www.zoobab.com/iot-fosdem-2020) * "Prototyping the Internet of Things with Wyliodrin STUDIO" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/wyliodrin_studio/ : nouvel IDE full featured (simu, ota, circuit) * "PSLab.io - pocket science lab" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/iotpslab/ : un laboratoire électronique DIY cool et pas cher (vu au CCC) * "RaptorJIT: a fast, dynamic systems programming language" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/raptorjit_lua/ : Forking LuaJIT to target heavy-duty server applications. Faster, better Lua.. * "Minimalistic typed Lua is here" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/minimalistictypedlua/ : a tiny transpiler TypedLua => Lua that make things better * 👎 "FOSS Virtual & Augmented Reality" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/openxr/ : state of openXR, a khronos standard for VR/AR ("The year of the virtual Linux desktop" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/virtual_linux_desktop/ is better) * 👍 "Quantum computer brands: connecting apples and oranges" https://fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/quantum_computer_brands_connecting_apples_and_oranges/ bonne vision des impléms quantiques et d'un outil de standardisation + "Quantum Open Source Foundation" https://www.qosf.org/ cool initiative jeanjack: * riscv reliability : IBM Eraser ( Microprobe, serminer, chiffre ), focus on RTL-Level Simulation. * riscv dev : Software Defined Hardware : OpenPiton + Ariane(RV64GC) cacheable overlay manager comRV => group functions & read-only data RealTime call function, load full groups for RTOS * riscv bootflow : ZSBL(ROM)->FSBL(LOADER)->OpenSBI(RUNTIME)->U-boot(BOOTLOADER)->OS . Random Booting (each core does lottery, one launch first stage, the others second), vs. Ordered Booting (one core launch first stage, and the OS call (HSM patch) other harts. * BSD kernel fuzzing: PC_TRACE and Sanitizer (KASAN,KLEAK,KMSAN) + AFL_KCOV print debug data during fuzzing, and analize operations * BSD API: Curriculum Vitae of niacat - audiomixer (with firefox API), wayland with wscons, * Hikari window manager : tilling wm for X11 AND Wayland based on herbslutwm , use XCB for async X11 requests, and wlroots for Wayland. Wayland asks more lines but less complex Colin\\ Milo\\ Leo\\ ... Contribute!